
PHOTO-2018-05-09-14-04-32Hey! I’m Kate.

Wife to Mr M (Phil) and mum to our beautiful boy Austin James. Phil and I have been together 16 years, married for almost 5 and enjoying family life in Surrey.

Starting a family wasn’t easy for us and after 8 failed cycles of treatment (cycle monitoring and IUI’s) we had a successful first round of IVF in 2015 and Austin was born in Spring 2016. When Austin was 11 months old we found out we were pregnant naturally, overjoyed at how much of a miracle this was only to have our dreams shattered when we found out at an early scan our baby had no heartbeat. I had always wanted to write about our experiences and this really spurred me on to start my blog MrsMeaks.

We went through (and still are) so much on our fertility journey, a 4th miscarriage in June this year broke our hearts and I feel so passionate about sharing our experiences, trying to help break the silence surrounding Infertility and baby loss. It’s such a rollercoaster journey for so many trying to have a family and I know how much bravery it takes to embark on motherhood after loss and such sadness. I have always found great comfort reading and listening to other experiences and I hope that by writing this blog it can offer some support as I  try to create a happy, honest account of motherhood and secondary infertility.

I love to share other stories of bravery and am always looking for guest bloggers on MrsMeaks, please do get in touch if you would like to share.

